

On a sunny run around Green Lake this morning at approximately 6:45 AM, Susse spied (and alerted me to) the first ducklings of spring. (The first for us, anyway!) Six of them. Tiny, adorable, fluffy. Highly pleasing. Spring has sprung. Even in New York, to which I will go tomorrow. I will attempt photoblogging via camera phone, BUT don't hold your breath. I brought my coworkers scones and croissants this morning, so they will remember me fondly while I'm gone--you will have to accept a *virtual* scone. :) Toodles.


Blogger AH said...

You totally saw the wee ones first!

10:15 PM, April 20, 2005

Blogger Amy said...

Dear Marmot-
I thought you might like to see what you would sound like if you were the Swedish Chef from the Muppets. I'm not quite sure why I thought this. Somebody used their hard-won computer science skills to write a program that does this. I really need to be doing more with my life.
hoozzeh! Bork Bork Bork!

Oon a soonny roon eruoond Greee Leke-a thees murneeng et eppruxeemetely 6:45 EM, Soosse-a speeed (und elerted me-a tu) zee furst doockleengs ooff spreeng. (Zee furst fur us, unyvey!) Seex ooff zeem. tiny, edureble-a, flooffffy. Heeghly pleeseeng. Spreeng hes sproong. Ifee in Noo Yurk, tu vheech I veell gu tumurroo. I veell ettempt phutubluggeeng feea cemera phune-a, BOoT dun't huld yuoor breet. I bruooght my coourkers scunes und crueessunts thees murneeng, su zeey veell remember me-a fundly vheele-a I'm gune-a--yuoo veell hefe-a tu eccept a *furtooel* scune-a. :) Tuudles. Bork Bork Bork!

11:04 PM, April 21, 2005


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