
liquid sunshine

This morning it's raining! Good for the dahlias, not as good for me, since I was going running. But I persevered and dug some foul-weather gear out of my basement. It's not really that bad once you get going, especially when you have a running buddy. Theriouthly. And my beta endorphin high is the best, baby! Work it. I do love the rain. Work it, rain.

MSH got a new fabulous digital camera in the mail yesterday, so he was playing with it, taking pictures of said dahlias, and reading the instruction manual, and petting it, and loving it, and going to Best Buy to buy it a case. And to Target to buy himself some socks. And me some stationery (I was there, too, and I bought the stationery. He bought me shoes (that I had expressed desire for) for my birthday but he doesn't yet buy me stationery). Word: Target's stationery is "off the hizzy" and very cheap.


Blogger Felicity said...

I do not know this 'hizzy' of which you speak, but Target stationery is usually of the purty variety, and can be inexpensively bought in great quantities in a mix-and-match manner, thus ensuring that it is an Excellent Preznit!

9:29 AM, September 01, 2004


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