
No, not a nutty pod...

This week I started using a Neti pot (this very one). Once you figure out what you do with it (pour salt water into one nostril and it drains out the other nostril into the sink), your first impression may be "gross!" but I tell you, my allergies started up this week and since I started using the Neti pot, I have barely sneezed! They can be great for those prone to sinus infections, too. I use it first thing in the morning and it eliminates that stuffy-nose feeling that is typical for me when I wake up in spring and summer. . It was a weird feeling at first, but afterwards I feel GREAT, my whole head feels light and bright and I'm ready to face the day. Better than a cup of tea! (Just kidding, sis.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

where can I purchase one of these nutty pods?

4:36 PM, January 24, 2008

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can puchase these in a health food store, Bed, Bath and Beyond.

10:00 AM, November 12, 2008


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