

The thing about jeans is there's always ONE good pair. The pair you always want to wear when it's in the wash. The pair you wouldn't wash your car or help your friend move in. But there's only ONE pair like this, right? For example, my One Pair (GAP boot cut stretch) were getting worn out, so I got a pair from Old Navy ( Stretch, "Just Below the Waist"--the highest-on-the-waist cut they have, which means I'm reasonably out of danger of exposing my ass crack. Fuckers.) So now the Old Navy Pair is my new best pair, and if I'm going "out" I would likely dig the Old Navy pair out of the hamper in order to avoid wearing the slightly worn-out GAP pair. (Because jeans don't really get dirty all that quickly, right? Discuss.) Solution, of course, is to purchase a second pair of Old Navy jeans exactly the same. Which would definitely be affordable if they're the same bargain price..hmmm....

We're anxious about the election. We want some Maalox. We're grateful for friends inviting us to dinner so we can stay away from the television.

We had a Halloween party! (This is the MSH and I we, not the Royal We from the previous paragraph.) The party was KICKIN' and included the musical stylings of DJ Michael. We were all up very late, and there were costumes galore. MSH tried 487 times to get the women to take their tops off. Later, he took his bottom off. But I don't mind--work is hell for him right now, so he needed to blow off some steam.

Hope you had a Happy Halloween yourself, dear reader. And though it pains me to note it, I must advise you that there are eight weeks til Christmas!! Aieee! I am feeling relatively in-control because I have already purchased stamps for Christmas cards online. I highly recommend this process.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've done the whole "buy two of your favorite jeans thing" and amazingly enough, there is always still just the one that feels better! It's magical. You did have a great Halloween party! kc

7:46 AM, November 02, 2004


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