
as if you didn't know, i love lists!

In honor of the Leery Polyp, which, through a combination of my lack of technical expertise and paranoia of web crawlers, I will here refer to as leerypolyp dot blogs dot com, I give you a listy blog entry.

Things I have eaten today:

Bowl of Strawberry Fields cereal by Organic Promise with 1% milk
1 package Kirkland Trail Mix (has individual packages rather than giant bucket slowed our consumption of trail mix? No indeed.)
1 string cheese, featuring that wacky CheeseHead (do we find wacky CheeseHead amusing? No indeed)
Assorted M&M’s, previously picked out of trail mix, saved for later. Not so late, after all.
1 FULL veggie roll from Musashi. Yum.
1 Hansen’s “natural” soda, flavor: Kiwi Strawberry

Implements in my pencil holder:

Large yellow highlighter
Black medium Pentel “RSVP” ballpoint pen, non-retractable (qty 2)
Purple medium PaperMate “Flexgrip” ballpoint pen, non-retractable
Black Sharpie Permanent Marker, fine point
PaperMate “ClearPoint” mechanical pencil, 0.5mm
Manual pencil sharpener
Crappy scissors

Things I did the last time *I* was drunk, which was, please note, AFTER my sanctimonious post about how I prolly wasn’t going to drink anymore. I was under the influence of football!

Yelled “Woo-Hoo” a lot
Made horn-hands a lot, usually in concert with above
Hopped around
Watched unidentified man in bar suck on Marnie’s and on Kristen’s toes
Urged husband to film same with his digital camera
Told Marnie, at 6:30, that she could make her 7:30 flight to Tri-Cities (but seriously, what else could I have said?)
Asked the DJ to play “Shout! (kick your heels up and…)”
Had two shots of tequila, not knowing it was tequila because I hate tequila but I couldn’t tell because it was *swank* tequila
Got happy buzzy feeling in head
After M&K left, told remaining party people, four males: “You’re all MINE, mothafu**az!”
Told one of these males not to give up hope, because the right woman WILL come along (are you listening, right woman?)
Thought self was pretty fan-fu**ing-tastic

Things I have done at work today:

Had a meeting about a quarterly newsletter, about which I’m excited
Surfed the internet fewer than 3 times
Taken orders for sushi
Sent invoices
Called accounting dept of NYC law firm re: W-9 form
Aborted this list because it is boring!

States of the United States, besides my own, that I might consider living in because a reasonable majority of inhabitants appear to me to be sane and courteous:

Oregon (duh)
California (pref. bay area)

Please note I haven’t been to many other states besides that.

Things I daydream about being when I’m feeling escapist:

Fabulous actress (duh)
Backup singer
Inhabitant of poshy brownstone full of books and arty things and smelling of tea
Person with very close-cropped hair
Leader of posh tours to Pacific Northwest
Person with ability and motivation to decorate home tastefully
Court reporter (I know a certain Perry Mason fan who would worship 4EVAR!)
World-renowned cheese critic/consultant
Person with invisible pores
In France


Blogger AH said...

Molto grazie for the Perry Mason shoutout, yo! I can't get enough of that show. They're all basically the same in formula, and yet I find each one as delicious as the last. We especially enjoy the episodes involving arty people (alongside the wealthy old men who are staples) such as fashion designers, photographers, and ice skaters.

Inscrutable means "not easily scruted."

I can't wait to make my own escapist list!

Cheese critic and motivated home decorator with taste and funding stolen from your list, natch

Eccentric botanist
Drawer of angsty comics a la Chris Ware, Dave Cooper, and Daniel Clowes
Indie singer-songwriter
X-treme x-trovert
7-minute miler
Pastry chef
Bearer of very thin eyebrows
Multimillion dollar lottery winner (my latest specific fantasy on this theme has you and I going to NYC for a designer shopping spree and then on to Tokyo for sushi and general debauchery. after i donate millions to buddhist charities, of course.)

9:13 AM, October 07, 2004


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