
master debater

Heh heh. Too bad I can't stay up late enough to watch the Daily Show. It's the only "news" I have the stomach to watch. I listen to NPR. So anyway, on the way to the burrito joint lastnight, MSH and I listened to part of the debate. MSH doesn't like either one of them. Although he's not all that negative about Kerry. Dubya, I swear, he just makes me cringe every time he opens his mouth. And dude, I didn't like his dad's policies either, but at least he could put together a coherent thought in a way that didn't sound like a blatant lie AND he pronounced 90% of the words in a way approximating generally accepted American English. THIS inarticulate cretin is "leader" of the "free world?!" I know, it's been done, it's been done. I could only take about fifteen minutes of the debate. Any positive impressions I get of Kerry are useless--they will come after the phrase "Bush won in spite of..." The apathetic who don't like Bush won't register and/or won't vote. The black vote will be suppressed. Bush will pull Osama out the hat the week before the election, wowing the small of brain. And/or Bush will cheat. I'm just in the market for an armband and a protest for November 3.

But I digress. Right now there are fabulous beings at my home installing windows. Windows that are energy efficient and will keep the living room warm in the coming winter. Windows that will keep the house cooler in summer. Windows that flip down for easy cleaning. Windows....that....OPEN!!! Also a fine door that opens and shuts and can't be kicked in by a fourth-grader on Pixie Stix. Damn, I wish I had some Stix right about now...

And my parental units arrive today for a three-day visit. Me pops will confer with my husband on manly home maintenance issues, and hopefully he'll oil my Singer sewing machine. My mom and I will take walks, go to the quilt shop, and to the Seattle Art Museum to see their exhibit of Indigo Textiles. Hopefully she'll ooh and aah at me dahlias as whell.


Blogger AH said...

Bush did wow me by using and pronouncing "vociferous" correctly. Later there was a moment of oratory escalation where Kerry repeated the phrase "nuclear proliferation" several times as if challenging his opponent to say it correctly. W got it out once with his signature "nu-Q-lurr" and then avoided it for the rest of his answer.

7:29 AM, October 02, 2004


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