

Moody yesterday. Read _Dry_ by Augusten Burroughs. He is hilarious and biting and it makes for addictive reading. The type of reading one begins in the car at stoplights on the way home from the library, continues for an hour sitting in the parked car outside one's home, and then some more inside in one's comfiest chair until one's husband gets home at 7:30 PM. (And then on until one has finished.) Moody some more, some sleeping...this morning, very allergic and tired. P'raps a nice cup of tea.

Before bed, though, I read the first few pages of _Shadow Divers: insert long subtitle here but it's about two wreck divers finding a WWII submarine_. Riveting stuff, but the man's writing (grandiose and agog) makes me wince. Augusten would tear him to shreds.

I finally gave up on _Vanity Fair_. I just couldn't get into it, and you know what Nancy Pearl says.

My boss is out this week, and I'm leaving at a horrid hour of the morning on Thursday with my husband and father-in-law for darkest North Dakota. And if you think I'm exaggerating about the darkest, check the location of Minot. No link! You're on your own, lil' net detectives! But anyway, I have to be "productive" and "get things done" through Wednesday afternoon so you might not hear from me until I have tall tales to tell about the family reunion in Minot.

Oh, and there's a movie called "The Librarian" filming just now. S'got Kelly Hu in it.

Wouldn't it be nice to be in Paris this morning, in front of a cup of tea and a lovely pain au chocolat?


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