
tomorrow IS another day!

Yesterday: Elliott Smith “Either/Or.” Smashing Pumpkins “Siamese Dream.” (But no track 3) And then more and more and more “Either/Or”…

Today: Nickel Creek and Vienna Teng.

Here are some positive thoughts for you Progressive Democrats out there. As my godmother wisely said when she called yesterday, moving me from denial into grief, we must not give in to negative energy, because thinking negatively disempowers us.

1. The world is not going to come to an end.

2. It’s going to be OK.

3. In record numbers, our voices were heard. It was a VERY close race. So, there are millions and millions and millions of people who feel as you do.

4. Millions of people who had never engaged in political activity, did. (Like me!) That momentum will only continue to grow. The progressive movement has changed for the better because of this election.

5. We had a very high voter turnout. This strengthens our democracy.

6. If you were inspired and hopeful during this election season, that’s a _good_ thing. Don’t lose it. Build on it.

7. My (male) friend is excited about a Hillary Rodham Clinton nomination in 2008!

8. From my friend Kate, who worked hard for the Kerry campaign: Bush may have more power, but I (along with the Progressives) have more heart. Heart trumps power as MLK, Mandela, Angelou, Jefferson, Washington, Mother Theresa, Gandhi and so many more have proved.

Here are some ways to cheer up:

1. Call a progressive group that champions a cause important to you. Volunteer.
2. Be in nature. There’s something inherently calming about being in the forest/in the meadow/by the creek, etc.

3. If you have cable, watch “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.” This man is hilarious, and honey, we need to laugh. Getting my news pre-sprinkled with sarcastic humor is just about the only way I can take it these days. Which brings me to number 4.

4. Don’t watch the news. I’m not saying you should bury your head in the sand. Stay informed. But the televised news, especially the local news in my town, exists purely to breed fear. Fear never helped anyone accomplish something positive. There are plenty of other ways to get your news—the radio, the internet, the newspaper. These options don’t seem to spew the fear-porn the way TV does.

5. Seek out like-minded people . Talk to them. Talk some more. It helps. Share positive energy and ideas. Hug.

6. Thank people you know who gave their time and energy to defeat Bush. Their sacrifices were important. Let them know.


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