
to-do list

1. Next year, elbow elderlies and small children aside in order to be Joanie-on-the-spot receiving flu vaccine!!
2. Blow nose
3. WASH HANDS. (you, too!)
4. Get massage. (fantasy)
5. Take a walk.
6. Go to store.

Seriously, I have only been out of the house once before today, since Friday, when I abortively attempted to go back to work. (I had to anyway, or people wouldn't have gotten paid. It's nice to be needed.) I'm out of facial cleanser, patience, and my habitual sprightly energy. I don't feel like myself at all. And I didn't even do my typical Marmotty "I really should be feeling better so I'm going to pretend I do and totally overdo" thing. I sat on the couch watching TV and "pushing fluids." I took care of myself. And am only incrementally feeling better. Please please PLEASE wash your hands frequamente, muchachos, so you don't get this crap. Not to mention exercise and take vit. C and zinc to beef up your immunity. I normally don't get this stuff, at least not for a freakin' week, and it's laid me low. It's going all around my office and it sucks!


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