

Soapbox alert!

So I was reading this article, and I'm stuck on this paragraph. I've read it like six times:

Wade Horn, assistant secretary for children and families at the Department of Health and Human Services, said counseling only abstinence, preferably until marriage, is the best approach because it sends a clear, consistent message. Teenagers who are sexually active should have access to contraception, but making birth control available to teens who aren't sends a contradictory message, he said.

(emphasis added by Marmot)

Um. Mr. Horn? There is CROSSOVER between these two "groups!" Does he imagine that the sexually active teens give it a lot of thought (not that they shouldn't) and then go out and get a "Ragin' Slut" tattoo across their asses? When a Teen Who Aren't gets horny, should he or she go down to the school nurse and have them move their Sex Card into the Teens Who Are file box?

Puh. Leeze.

In other news, this man had a very unpleasant Fourth of July. What I want to know is whether he actually got to see the fireworks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wanted to thank you for your comments on my blog about forgiveness, etc. good call.

i don't see how making birth control available to teens who are practicing celibacy is contradictory. i can buy cigarettes, but that doesn't mean i have to smoke them. probably not the best analogy...but with logic like that, it would take me a while to come up with something really good.

2:48 PM, July 11, 2005

Blogger Felicity said...

I am beginning to think that neocons believe in what I am calling, possibly highly inaccurately, 'magical thinking'. This would explain why the acknowledgment of reality constitutes an endorsement or resignation to that reality; thus, taking steps to ensure that celibate teens have safe sex tools available to them invokes sex, and ruins their beautiful celibacy. Thus, mentioning gay people in the classroom makes students gay.

It's a theory I'm working on.

4:20 PM, July 11, 2005


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