

I was going to get up at six and be at work by 7:00. Didn't happen. I stayed up until 2 AM and 1 AM over the weekend so even though I went to bed at 10:00 lastnight, I was very tired this morning. Of course, sleeping an extra hour and a half didn't reduce my tiredness by a spectacular amount!! But of course that reality doesn't cross my mind when I'm cuddled up in bed.

Anyway, I got out of bed at 7:20 and meditated. Not sure for how long. Then I fannied about doing...whatever. Then as Mike was leaving I was in the laundry room for some reason and when he reminded me about the contractor coming to give us a bid this evening it reminded me that I HAD A GUY COMING FOR AN INTERVIEW AT WORK AT 8 AM. Ah ha. So THAT was why I was planning to come in at 7:00--to prepare, to shove the mountain of crap off my desk, presenting impression of with-it, together HR manager--and now it's 7:49 AM by clock in basement. And I wasn't wearing pants. And I hadn't showered. So, in a complete and utter panic, I got it down to the bare essentials--birth control pill, deodorant, bra, clean shirt, pants, sandals--and I was in the car at 7:53 by clock in car. I got here at precisely 8:00, and the sprightly job candidate was already here, causing me great embarrassment, but I tried to keep my composure as I printed off my sheet of questions and started the interview. He seemed really interested in working here, so I must not have given a completely bad impression. But it was still a bad impression. I knew I KNEW I never should have scheduled the interview for 8 AM Monday morning but his schedule was pretty restrictive. And halfway through the interview I realized I was using my quiet submissive woman voice. I HATE that.

Then I was eating sushi while on the phone with our sales director, and accidentally scooped a quarter-teaspoon of wasabi into my mouth. I had to put down the phone, run to the sink, and rinse out my mouth in manner of high school freshman in chemistry class with dangerous substance in eye.


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