
New Dentist!

On Monday I went to my new dentist. I switched dentists at the behest of MSH who complained that because his company had switched dental plans, Dr. A was not a "preferred provider" on the new plan.* So, I looked up the preferred providers on the new plan and chose Dr. H because she is right by my office and speaks French in addition to Vietnamese and that American favorite, English.

So first I had to do some resourceful phone finagling because I don't have a dental plan ID card.** Then I filled out the most comprehensive health history I've ever seen. Once in the chair, Dr. H spent more time with me than any dentist I've seen in years, reviewed my health history, and asked me more questions. Like when I was younger, did I see a dentist regularly and did I have fluoride treatments. She discussed brushing habits with me--as MSH has been telling me, you're supposed to brush in the morning whether you've had your breakfast already or not--you have to disturb the bacteria! The bacteria cause the cavities, not the food! (They eat the food.) She did some plaque removal herself before the hygienist came in and did the spinning rubber thingy. And she refined my Sonicare technique--I was causing mild recession to my gums because I was holding it at the wrong angle to the gumline!!! Recession is my biggest dental fear so I was at attention. She told me to use a manual toothbrush in the morning and Sonicare at night, because the Sonicare is more "aggressive." She pointed out that I grind my teeth--my front teeth are very flat, top and bottom. No other dentist had pointed this out before, and according to her, it's not a new development based on the level of...flatness. Flatitude! So I may be getting a mouthguard thingy. To sum up, she was perceptive, smart and very, very nice. And her office and dental chairs hadn't been updated in a while. This may be bad for some people, but I appreciate it. It means the dentist definitely isn't financing fancy whizzbang decor and equipment by pushing expensive unnecessary cosmetic dental procedures on his or her patients. A coworker told me recently that he was offered an iPod Shuffle to listen to while he was getting his teeth cleaned, and lights and sirens started flashing and whooping in my head. Of course, he lives in Belltown, so whaddayagonnado?

But I digress.

So: visit to the dentist was educational, beneficial--I'm a big fan of this new dentist. Of course, I haven't had the cavity she spotted (WHICH WAS ON MY LAST X-RAY FROM Dr. A BUT HE MISSED!) filled yet. Maybe I'll be grouchier after that.

I know you all are anxiously awaiting my riveting analysis of the season finale of the O.C., but the sad fact is I haven't watched it yet, and I know I'll provoke pity when I tell you that I was getting a fabulous full-body massage instead. My friend G just graduated (with honors and a 4.0!) from massage school and bestowed massages on me and friend H.*** Luckily, thoughtful friend Susse taped the finale and I shall be watching it soon. It must have been good because Susse watched, even though she never watches that show, and was so scandalized she could barely keep from telling me everything that happened.

In other news, the ivory-billed woodpecker has been rediscovered in Arkansas, those missing kids in Idaho were spotted by a store proprietor in Bonner's Ferry, and the identity of the Piano Man remains a mystery. I wish you a delectable Friday!!!!

*Now, MSH didn't communicate to me in any way that his company had switched plans. I had to wait until I had my next appointment, after which Dr. A's office billed the wrong insurance, billed us, I had to call his company's corporate office to get the new information, and have Dr. A's office rebill. Or something like that. Point is: information is often not dispensed from MSH to myself on a need-to-know basis. More like a "wha-huh?" basis.

**Something MSH was given at work that he neglected to give to me? Who can say? If a coworker gave birth outside his office, he'd forget to tell me. But that's cool. That's cool.

***H has some of the cutest kidlets in the whole world, btw.


Blogger Amy said...

I think they must have made huge advances in bedside (chairside?) manner coaching in dental school in the past few years. I'm hearing from everybody that their new dentist is far more involved than their old dentist. Well, not everybody. Lots of people.

4:34 PM, May 20, 2005


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