

Q: Should one put hand cream on one's chapped lips if lip balm is unavailable?
A: Only if one wants to be tasting a nasty mix of perfumy taste and chemical taste for the next half hour.

Q: Should one notify one's husband when one isn't going to be home until after 11:00 PM on a weeknight?
A: Yes, if one wants to prevent severe anxiety, sleeplessness, and thoughts of calling hospitals on the part of said husband.

Q: When will Top Pot Doughnuts open its Wedgwood location?
A: After "early 2005," after installation of very tall palm tree, but hopefully before hell freezes over!


Blogger Felicity said...

One should also warn one's boyfriend before 'going on a run and turning up well before 1:30 -- like maybe 12:00 or 12:30' becomes 'running in two different directions to two different places to do errands, lifting some weights and doing some sit-ups, and OH, is it 1:40 already?'

Of course, I think all the running around my usual running paths prob'ly did him good. But I feel guilty for making him think I was dead in a ditch. He was very scared. :(

12:12 PM, June 08, 2005


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