
coming back around

So, MSH and I live in a Really Nice Neighborhood. Not a Very Nice Neighborhood--we couldn't afford that--but it's quiet, some families, people walking their dogs, park three blocks away, people (except us) take good care of their yards, and most of the houses, especially one block up, are much nicer than ours.

Twice since we've lived there, someone has rifled my car. Now, you can't blame them because in both cases I left the doors unlocked and in one case, the windows rolled all the way down. The first time, nothing was taken. The second time, they took my meditation cushion (about $50, and it obviously wasn't seeing much use in my car) and my prescription sunglasses ($150.) So, that's a PITA.

So this morning I get in my car and feel something under my bum. I pull it out, and it's a pair of sunglasses which I've never seen before. I look at them carefully. No, they are foreign to me. Very strange, think I. Then I look around my car and see that someone has been through it--the center console has everything pulled out, the ashtray and the glovebox are open--but as I look, I realize nothing has been taken. I don't leave anything valuable in the car, ever, so I guess that partially makes up for my lassitude in car security (I had left the windows rolled down on this occasion.) But the cell phone car charger and the iPod car charger and holder must have some market value, I suppose--or the thief could have taken them just to be a PITA.

So I head down the road to the coffee shop, my friend and current houseguest K close behind, and when we get there, I tell her the tale. Then getting back IN my car after bagel and (black!) tea, I find YET ANOTHER pair of sunglasses on my seat. So one pair--he could have dropped them, but two pairs--I think the thief is trying to make up for or apologize for the previous theft of my sunglasses. With two admittedly crappy pairs. As H pointed out, he or she went through my car. Still.

My boss is on a conference call that could determine the future path of our company. I'm on pins and needles! I picked quite a day to start caffeine again.

At lunch, I get to go with one of my coworkers and her kids to a friend's house on Lake Washington to watch the Blue Angels. I am so excited!! And I'm wearing an all-green outfit! And it's Friday!


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