
you know it's time to leave work when...

...your butt hurts from sitting in the chair. I've worked there two years; this is the first time I've gotten a case of numb butt.

Big mucky mucks coming for big meeting on Wednesday. If I arrive at work tomorrow and my boss has not sent me several--SEVERAL documents for the report binder, I am going to freak out. I'm not freaking out yet, I'm just forecasting a possible freakout if this poor document completion front moves in overnight. I also have to submit payroll tomorrow, and then proofread, format, and print these documents before lovingly encasing them in heavy-duty vinyl top-loading sheet protectors. Do I want to start this process at 5:00 PM? No. But I don't really want my boss to stay up until 2:00 AM tonight finishing everything. On the other hand, he's a horrible sleeper anyway, and he's come this far, so maybe a little insomnia isn't the end of the world.

I had to try really hard not to freak out today. I like control. I think my boss does, too, or he would have delegated more of these documents, or at least some of the review process for them.

But for now, I shall contemplate the sauteeing of onions, to be placed on a vegetarian "burger" along with some garlic cheddar. Mmm.


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