
Friday Fantastic

I hadn't taken a yoga class in over a week. So just in case you were thinking "oh she's a yoga teacher she practices twice a day I'm not worthy," well, you can cut that sh@t out! I was so busy getting ready for the garage sale, which occurred last Sunday, then was on my feet all day at the sale, didn't drink any water*, and what do you know?! Got sick on Monday afternoon. Fever, raging headache, chills, and fatigue. I did teach the 4:30 since I got up from a nap and figured out I was actually sick only 20 minutes before I had to be there to open the studio and turn on the heat (I taught most of the class sitting down and tried to send out the good energy with my voice!) but got a sub for my 8:15 class. Finally felt like myself again on Wednesday but this is the first day I got my hiney to class, a Power Vinyasa. It was great. There was one lunge sequence where I felt like I was in the Yoga Zone--I was breathing deeply, challenging my body, but staying with it and not struggling! It felt like I was floating. Delicious feeling.

When I got home, the teacher who normally teaches 4:30 today called and asked if I'd teach it. And I am full of energy, so I said Yes! I'm excited.

Today is Day 2 of my week-long Sugar Detox. I have battled the Demon Refined Sugar for so long. Unsuccessfully. I have been emailing with another teacher and SHE did it for a week and told me how (dried fruit and all-fruit spread!), so *I* can do it. So no refined sugar or honey. (White foods OK. Baby steps.) I have so many reasons:

1. Refined sugar feeds the bacteria in one's urinary tract that create a delightful habitat for the mean bacteria which cause infection. Or something like that. I'm not a doctor. But I'm UTI-prone (one went into my kidneys last year) and this is a big reason.

2. It (negatively) affects my yoga practice. When I've had a treat earlier in the day, an afternoon or evening practice feels flat, I'm often light-headed or dizzy even when well-hydrated. Last year this was enough to keep me from the treats at lunch. But of course not after dinner.

3. Sugar encourages inflammation anywhere and everywhere in the body (skin, joints, etc.) and negatively affects the immune system.

4. I don't like being a slave to the craving in my head that goes off after each meal and between meals telling me to eat something sweet sweet sweet now now now!

FYI after a week I'm going to see how I do with INDIVIDUALLY PACKAGED pieces of dark dark chocolate. Because. Chocolate.



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