
an open email to jon stewart and the daily show staff

TO: Comedy Central (The Daily Show With Jon Stewart)
FROM: The Marmot
RE: Thank You and Keep It Up!

Dear Jon Stewart and All the Kids at The Daily Show,

You all are goddamn geniuses.

With the poo that has rained down via the Bush Administration for the last four years, you kept us laughing. Without you to deliver current events with your special brand of smart-ass humor, I'd have to stand up and shriek sarcastically at the "mainstream" newscasts myself. And at the end of my workday, I rarely have the energy, and when I do, my husband yells at me from the other room to keep it down.

As I was commiserating lastnight with a group of my fellow Progressives over the reelection of George II, we all echoed the same sentiment: The Daily Show shall be our salvation for the next four years. With your fresh hot laughs, you will keep us from gradually becoming hollow husks reeking of despair. I hope you are taking a little break now, and getting lots of aromatherapy massages for your humor muscles, because we're going to need your best, people. Please, continue to do as you have done, and make us laugh to keep us from crying.

Thank you, Daily Show. Thank God (Buddha, Jehovah, Allah) for you. And for His sake and ours, keep up the brilliant fucking work.


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