
beaverton rules!

Hard upon the release of "Thumbsucker," which I blogged about on Oct. 10 (sorry, can't figure out how to link to a previous post--I never promised you a technological rose garden!), we have the debut of a new South Park episode skewering the post-Katrina response, in which a nearby town is flooded. The town is called: Beaverton. (Episode 908, aired 10/19/05)

While this fictional Beaverton bore little resemblance to the Beaverton I know and love/hate, it was incredibly thrilling to hear Beaverton mentioned over and over again, ie "Those people in Beaverton still need help!"

Two pop culture references in one month--Beaverton, Oregon is on the cusp of some kind of hip status. Or maybe it's anti-hipness. I can't tell which. Perhaps the next use of Beaverton in TV/film/literature will provide the answer...

Also: I have been telling you people this about anti-bacterial soap! Maybe now you'll believe me.


Blogger Amy said...

Unless it was Beaverton, Ontario or Beaverton, Michigan

8:04 AM, October 21, 2005


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