

Yesterday afternoon, Hellcat and I went to see "Thumbsucker." In the opening title sequence, you see cookie-cutter suburban homes. "Beaverton!" whispered Hellcat. And indeed, they did look like they could be in the town of our raising.

The movie began, and it was very good. Then Oregon State (University) was mentioned, and we thought: Hey, maybe this is in Oregon. And then we saw a policeman with "Beaverton" on his arm-patch and we knew! And then the characters paid a visit to the Washington Square Mall, and it was a little creepy.

But it was a really incredible movie. The lead is "newcomer" Lou Pucci, and he's awesome, and the whole story is very heartbreakingly true to what it feels like to be in high school, and to be a teenager, and to be in a family. This morning I went to the official website and found a blog* by the adaptor/director, Mike Mills. And I'm totally in love with him. He is very honest and tries to be a kind person and he constantly photographs "omens," most of which are friendly dogs. I'm trying to figure out a postal or email address so I can write him a letter. Because he needs to know how awesome he is and that I grew up in the Beav and that I saw his movie. Has anyone ever filmed a movie in the Beav/Tualatin before?

Highly, highly recommended.

*Lou Pucci with facial hair: hott.


Blogger Felicity said...

My dear, this film was filmed not far from where you and I grew up. Witness this blog entry, from when wonko lived chez parents.

2:20 PM, October 10, 2005

Blogger Amy said...

I remember when they filmed at Washington Square. Kate and I spent all day running up and down the mall in search of Keanu Reeves.
As far as other local movies go, I don't know about the Beav, but they filmed a scene of "Dr. Giggles" in Oaks Park and several people from my high school were in it.

2:32 PM, October 10, 2005

Blogger Felicity said...

Bandits, of course, was flimmed in Portland, but not the famous Beav.

Likewise, 'The Zero Effect'.

4:00 PM, October 10, 2005


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