
Why I Love The Internets Today

Just bought a shirt from my favorite purveyor of kooky t-shirts. (Mmm, how I love kooky t-shirts!)

Threadless.com Product - Regrowth: Katrina

This small company in Chicago, Illinois,* which company I personally enjoy, is raising a whole lotta schwag. It was a whole lotta schwag at $50K, which they hit when the first allotment sold out sometime during the morning they notified their list (before I checked my email!) And now they're aiming for $100K. When I went to the site to order, they were at $82,800; once I'd completed my order, they were at $82,900. So me and nine other people bought shirts to support their efforts in that very minute! Ooooh, I do love the internets. (Should point out that this is not really a philanthropic act on my part--I am getting a cool shirt. Yay me. But hopefully, yay other people, too.) In addition, as you probably know, there are lots of cool things being done to assist Katrina survivors, and proud are we of all of them.

A word about the View Askew auction (see "cool" above): I already thought Kevin Smith was pretty cool, but I can't quite get over him posing in front of his barbecue there. He looks like such a regular guy. Not just because his character is nicknamed Snack Shack in his films--and he's not ugly or anything, he just exudes normalcy. Like he probably scratches himself around his in-laws and doesn't give two shits--that kind of normalcy. This is like a snapshot of somebody I might have known in high school. I love it.

*I worked at campus radio in college, and we had an already ancient public service announcement, I think it was supposed to be a "rap" PSA, so the "kids" could "relate" to it; anyway, it went like this:
"Scruff McGruff, Chicago Illinois, Six Oh Six Five Two!" (lather rinse repeat)
So help me it has been six years and every time I write, think, or say Chicago Illinois, I hear that in my head, in a sing songy child's, excuse me PUPPY'S, voice.


Blogger tommy said...

i also cannot hear the words chicago illinois without thinking 60652. it can be very irritating. but i do like taking a bite out of crime so its probably ok

9:16 AM, August 18, 2010


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