
long day

Got up and for some reason had a raging desire to clean the house. Knowing how rare and precious the urge was, I cleaned until I had to leave for my shift volunteering answering phones at the local NPR affliate's pledge drive. This was enjoyable, and I finished two crosswords. Not so good was the fact I ate a doughnut.

Why was it bad that I ate a doughnut? I did a sugar detox about a week ago--no refined sugar for seven days. Everyone asks me why I did this; I wanted to stop being an addict! Cookies, doughnuts, cupcakes, chocolates--many a waking moment were spent fiending for the next one. At the end of lunch and dinner every day, I had to feed the treat monkey and I was tired of it and I'm prone to UTIs and high sugar consumptions raises the likelihood I'll get one SO! I cracked down. Also I was inspired by a fellow yoga teacher. The first three days were the hardest, but then I felt much better. I have always known that a treat at lunch shoots my afternoon yoga practice in the foot, and of course the detox was good for my yoga. And I don't crave treats all the time, it's great! Thing is, I can't go back. I can have a leeeeetle bit of sugar (although I don't want it in my tea anymore)--like a wee piece of dark chocolate, but beyond that, it gives me a tummy ache and I have a more pronounced sugar crash than ever before. Example: today's pledge drive donut. Why why why did I eat it? About two hours later I felt like crap--dizzy, lightheaded, no energy. I really felt like lying down but persevered through my shopping and on to the yoga studio to teach because I BROUGHT THIS ON MYSELF.

Good news is, I taught a great (full) class at 4:30, took a class at 6:30 (perhaps ill-advised given the day's nutrition and the fact I hadn't packed for tomorrow's trip but I NEEDED it, hadn't practiced in a while and my neck was getting to Code Red) and taught again at 8:15. (I had so much resistance in the class--I classify amounts of resistance in a Vinyasa class by the number of times I think VERY loudly to myself: "You have GOT to be f****ing KIDDING me!"---but of course I still felt great afterward and my neck is better.) I had a snack with me but forgot to eat it before teaching the second class! So I came home and ate, returned the calls I had to return, and now I have to hose myself down and flop into bed for a few hours before hightailing it south! I'll be helping my sis pack and organize prior to moving, and I'm going to take REGULAR YOGA BREAKS! AND HYDRATE! DO YOU HEAR ME, SELF!?!??!


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