

I was just down at the *U*Village. I went into the Apple store. I went in fully intending to purchase an iPod Shuffle. But they don't have the iPod Shuffle sport strap. Which one would need if one wanted to go running with one's Shuffle. And since that is the primary reason one is buying the Shuffle, one declined purchase at this time. They will have the sport strap, excuse me Armband, in "five to seven weeks."

If they can cram 120 songs into an object the size of a stick of gum, would it have killed them to coordinate release of a stupid nylon strap in the same 6-week span?! I walked in WANTING TO DROP $99 and I didn't. That's poor marketing on someone's part. Somewhere a marketing person should be bashing his or her expensively coiffed head into his or her desk. WTF?!


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