

Tuesday I went to my first pre-natal yoga class, at Yogalife Green Lake.

THAT'S RIGHT--I'm with child. Knocked up. Preggers. Sweet!!!

I've been to Yogalife before, and had been meaning to try this class for a few weeks. I felt "behind" because I hadn't added a specifically pre-natal class to my weekly yoga routine. But I was by far the least pregnant woman there (meaning I am at ten weeks; all the other 14 or so women were 20 weeks or more.)

The class started out with guided deep relaxation, propped up on blocks and bolsters so my spine was at a 45-degree angle. It was great. I'd never been in a class that *began* with relaxation. After that we did postures and some "exercises" ie leg-lifts. It was nice, but I think I'll appreciate it more when I'm in my late second and my third trimesters. All the same, I think I'll keep going from time to time because I really liked the teacher (she is also a doula) and I *loved* being in a room with a bunch of pregnant women. From the day after I found out I was pregnant, I have felt this strong connection with, and desire to connect with, other women who are pregnant. So hopefully I can make some friends in this class or at my midwives' office. :)

We heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time yesterday. It was SO amazing. By far, it was the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. I know that is a very odd thing to say, but it's completely true. MSH and I were completely blown away. I wanted to listen to it ALL DAY. Next time we're going to record it so we can play it whenever we want. (Which won't be for another five weeks!) The heartbeat was at a healthy rate, and we left the appointment grinning and laughing.


Blogger Felicity said...

:D You guys are so sweet.

1:09 PM, May 13, 2007


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