
Virginia Beach

Every calendar year, I have to do something with Jimmy as "continuing education" to keep my Barkan Method certification. There are a variety of options (sit in on part of the next Level I training, attend Level II training, or attend a weekend workshop.) Since he and his graduates are mostly on the East Coast, I knew I would probably have to travel far, and I decided to get it out of the way early in the year.

I went last weekend to Jimmy's workshop at Hot House Yoga in Virginia Beach, VA. If you live in the area, I highly, highly recommend visiting the studio. It is in a strip mall in between a used book store and a check-cashing place, but inside is a beautiful yoga sanctuary! It has private toilets and showers, a dressing room like one at a cushy spa (towels complimentary) and more importantly, the studio space is incredible. Mirrors on three walls, ceiling painted to look like the sky with clouds, and a serene mural painted on the back wall. The heat is perfect--they have a commercial humidifier built right onto the heating system--I was sweating optimally; it was so nice and hot but I felt GREAT because the sweat was cooling me off so efficiently.

The studio is owned by three brothers and a sister. Two brothers and the sister are teachers there. The two brothers visited, taught, and helped clinic at my training last summer, and they are wonderful teachers. (Jimmy had raved about them and their studio, which is part of the reason I picked this workshop.)

Friday evening was a Barkan method class. Oh, how I've missed it! To the casual observer, the differences on paper between Barkan and Bikram might appear minor at first glance, but when you're practicing, they make a huge difference. Saturday and Sunday sessions there was a lecture on the history of yoga, followed by a clinic and a class (all classes led by Jimmy.) Saturday was a Vinyasa class ie Level II. Most of the attendees were students at the studio, and the room was full (40+ people) and full of good energy.

I stayed the weekend with a teacher I trained with last summer, which was really nice--got to fix my own meals and chill out when I wasn't at the studio. Saturday night a bunch of us went out to dinner with Jimmy and it was a lot of fun. I've found for the most part yoga peeps are a great bunch!

So: I had a very good weekend. :)


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