
Various Topics

Last night, two coworkers and I went to my yoga studio for some Bikram yoga. It was their idea--no persuading was done on my part. (But I did answer some questions beforehand.) They were frickin' studs their first time through the Bikram series and plan to go back to round out their $15 introductory week. They profess to it having been a good experience, so I am glad.

We then proceeded here for some delicious Ethiopian food. The two veggie combos we shared and one beer came to $23! Delicious and cheap, two words I love. We rounded out the evening with decadent chocolate desserts here.

I woke up before 5:30 today. I never really fell back asleep. Which means I probably kept MSH awake with my tossing and turning. Why didn't I just get out of bed? I could have meditated and started a load of laundry! I was awake! And I'm still quite perky! Even though I got to bed after 10:30! It must be spring! It was so light this morning! Bring it ON!!

Heard about this show? I'm not so sure I can take Bill Paxton as the big prize three women are willing to share. I'm not so sure I can take Chloe Sevigny period. But I'm curious to see what MacGyver is doing in the show.

Happy Thursday! It's Friday for me, we're off to Victoria tomorrow at sparrow's fart! Yippee!


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