Last night Seattle had between 0 and 3 inches of snow, depending on where you were. Less the further west you are, apparently. We had less than half an inch, with an ice crust beneath. I left the house at about 7:15, chose my route carefully, and got to work no problem. (I work pretty close to the house.)
Then at about 8:00 I got a call from a coworker, who lives in Greenwood. He had been sitting on a jack-knifed bus near Green Lake for an hour and fifteen minutes. (Some geniuses down at Metro decided against putting chains on the buses this morning!) Trying to be helpful and not knowing how bad it was, I waited for one more person to arrive at the office to cover the phones, and ventured out.
That was definitely the worst idea I'd had all week.
By now it was starting to melt where there was sun. A layer of water over ice and/or slush. Nice. There were buses stacked up on all the I-5 overpasses, so I had to get onto I-5 North briefly (which was bare and dry) and get off at Northgate, and then head south to Green Lake on surface streets. It was bumper-to-bumper. Eventually I had a call from a coworker telling me the stranded coworker was hoofing it home. I tried to get up the hill on 80th and get back across the freeway, but more buses and some yokel who thought he could get up the hill going 5 mph. No, buddy, and thanks for that--now none of us behind you can, either. Cop blocked off the street just after I turned onto it anyway. Shortly thereafter, I decided to park my car at 85th and Wallingford and walk back to the office. I stopped at Chocolati straightaway for hot chocolate and a scone--hadn't had breakfast yet, ye gods! Since I was right by the mattress store that's supposed to deliver our new bed today (we knew not when) I stopped in, got the 411, and called MSH, who was on his way to McDonald's. (He was sort of working from home to be there for the mattress guys, but I'd previously called and instructed him NOT to drive into the office, no matter what. Because: clusterf***.) He picked me up on 65th and got me the rest of the way back to the office.
The lesson here is: If it snows and/or ices in Seattle, carefully research conditions before starting your commute. You were equally screwed this morning whether you were in a bus or a car. If you weren't medical or emergency personnel, it was a good day to stay home!
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