
Day 54: muddy mind

Ah, back to my own studio and dear Krista. Had an OK practice; once again rested out second set of Standing Bow Pulling. But got a compliment in the first set! I was still tired, and easily distracted. I kept scratching and rubbing inside my eyes. Guess what happens when you do that? THEY ITCH MORE. Even though it's hard, I am really loving Floor Bow. It does a spine good.

One of my fellow students was noticing my 60-day calendar thing after class, congratulated me, and asked me about the Ashland studio. He'd been there, too, and taken from the same utterly ripped Speedo-wearing fast-talking dude! It's nice to talk to someone who can relate to one's experience.

I was hoping to go to bed at 8:30 last night but needed to get stuff taken care of (emailing, spreadsheeting) for my volunteer position at the dharma center. Maybe tonight I can fulfill my dream of going to bed early! I am also hoping to get further into the Anatomy for YOga DVD by Paul Grilley. FASCINATING stuff. Our bodies are all DIFFERENT and it affects how we do yoga. It's why my body will never look exactly like someone else's in the same pose. In one of the first parts they talk about elbow extension, and he emphasizes that the differences here are just that, just how the bones grew, not normal vs. abnormal. And all these years I've thought of myself as The Freak With the Hyperextending Elbows!


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