
"un long dimanche de fiancailles"

means: "A Very Long Engagement"
un film de Pierre Jeunet
Starring Audrey Tautou

Grade: A

Jeunet casts an unflinching gaze on the unmitigated hell of war, and finds hope and love. Tautou is luminous, frail, full of life, like a determined moth. The role challenges her a bit more than Amelie and she's up to it. (And she wears great clothes.) The mystery, the unreliable eye-witnessing, Jeunet's usual quirks. Caprices of fate and men translate into who lives and who dies. I found myself hoping desperately with Tautou's character, and wondering in a real, pure way at the horrible POINTLESSNESS of war.

It's a mystery, a love story, and a war story. Go see this movie.

Sorry this isn't better written but I've got low blood sugar.


Blogger Felicity said...

Movie is also visually BREATHTAKING. Just a note. SUCH a splendid movie.

4:00 PM, January 08, 2005


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