
sick. fairly sick.

I rarely get very sick. I usually get a flu shot. Of course, this year, I did not get a flu shot. I have already gotten, for me, VERY sick, twice this year. The second time being this week. Next year, I plan to get a flu shot. I will NOT get sick any more this season. Because being sick sucks.

One reason it sucks is that you have weird dreams, like that you're in a 'healthy feet' shoe store (this is the only type of shoe store I can shop in anymore, due to my f***ed-up feet--mothers, take your children to the foot doc when they're young) and there aren't any cute shoes except one pair you can't really wear because they're mules, black patent with flower shapes cut out, but the model shoe is all dusty, and then you hear a Georgian accent, and it's your mom's friend Meg, except then it's not, but it's another woman with blond hair from Georgia. And then you're on the wide porch of a white house with your little sister, and you're little, and sort of poking about in bushes and things just off the porch, and you're talking with her about the banana peel you put on Mom's front door (now gone) and the pansy you put there, as well (still there) and how Mom's contemplating putting an artificial pansy there instead. You and little sister are very skeptical of this plan. Then you notice a very large, glossy, black caterpillar on said pansy. It has round articulated sections, like you'd draw a caterpillar. You say to little sister, "Look at that caterpillar! It's very caterpillary." She agrees. Then said caterpillar gets attached to the knuckles of the index and middle fingers of your left hand and it feels like they're on fire, so you scream and scream but you can't scream, so you wake up, and you're back in your parents' house, but it's like your real house, except your parents' room is across the hall, and you wake them up with your screaming, but they don't seem concerned. Then you REALLY wake up, and you're all phlegmy. Then you go to work.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better very soon! Happy New Year, dear friend!


1:00 PM, December 31, 2004

Blogger Felicity said...

:( I'm sorry sweetie. Do you actually have a fever? Fever gives me the worst dreams, I know.

3:01 AM, January 02, 2005

Blogger Unknown said...

Hi C! I believe you're feeling better by today--since your fever had broken over the weekend. I like your blog and plan to visit often.

11:04 AM, January 03, 2005


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