
another week, another o.c. redux

Like. We couldn't. See. That plot twist. Coming.

Not for nothing do they put TWO redheads in an episode, people! Duh!

I found myself much more sympathetic to Lindsay this episode. Not only did they not put her in that egregious hair-do, but they really softened her look, and I think she stopped flaring her nostrils. A bit too much makeup, though.

All in all, somehow a pretty hokey episode--not up to snuff, writing-wise. But Summer looked so gorgeous at the winter dance it almost made up for it. Her dress was stunning, and her HAIR. Omigod. It was 1930's perfection.

If my high school years had been a TV show, the hair people would have gotten very bored with me. Pretty much the same every day: no blow dry, get irritated with hair in third period, put up in a bun secured with a pencil. (Yes, one pencil! That's how thin my hair was then! These days a whole BOX of Ticonderogas No.2's wouldn't keep anything up for longer than a minute.) Wardrobe for the gang, as we were in the time o' the grunge, also would have been a bit tedious. Levi's, Converse All-Star hightops, rock T's, long necklace, and the PLAID FLANNEL SHIRT, baby! Look at me, I'm waxing all nostalgic.


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