

Last Tuesday morning I came down with a bug at work, and didn't go back to work until Friday. It was a fever/chills/lower respiratory type thing, and I didn't really feel like myself again til Sunday.

Friday went to Carmelita for dinner (4 stars out of 5) and "Bridget JOnes: Edge of Reason" (2.75 stars) with Kate. The movie was a lot of fun, but it wasn't, you know. Super DEE dooper. We did espy men in the thyatah, however. INteresting. Also I saw "Down With Love" for the 2nd time on cable over the weekend so Bridget Jones may have suffered by comparison with another, more delicious Renee Zellweger movie. Does anyone else find it fucking insane that they have to get a waifishly thin actress to put on 30 pounds to play Bridget Jones? Couldn't they have gotten a normal woman to play her? It's the waifishly thin that are the rare freaks, people.

Spent most of the weekend watching movies on cable and quilting. I'm very close to finished with Gavin's quilt. But I haven't made much progress on my NaNoWriMo novel! I"ve got to start taking my work keyboard home with me--I don't have an ergonomic keyboard at home, which was never a problem until this month, when I need to type for thousands of words at a stretch. I've gotten really used to an ergonomic one, so a regular one used for any length of time makes my wrists hurt. (Good procrastination excuse, no?!) And the only one they sell in brick stores is the Microsoft MultiMedia or some crap like that: $49. Um. No thanks. So my keyboard will be commuting with me, in the name of NaNoWriMo.

Before I got sick, I was almost completely at end-in-sight status with my work to-do list. Was just about to feel totally in-control and in-charge and very hoity toity. Then a virus struck, I was gone for three days, and I am in a gargantuan pile of shit. I can't even see the tunnel, let alone the light at the end of it, I'm just shoveling and shoveling and hoping someday I get out of the pile so I can get my bearings for the tunnel.

To wit, I must shovel away, and leave you, dear reader.


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