
bright spots

Dear Reader,

I must apologize for my recent absence. I know you've probably been fairly PERISHING without me. But I was sick. And our internet access at home is indisposed. So I was stuck with nothing but 7 channels of HBO and three channels of Encore to keep me company.

Today, before heading to the store, I was craving a nice juicy peach. Of course, it being November and the Northern Hemisphere and all, no peach would be mine. I was belly-aching about this a bit, but then when I got to the store: LO! There were satsumas! Huzzah! A bright spot in an otherwise long and bleak fruit season. I eat these things with chocolatesque zeal. Eat up!

Tonight we are going to eat at Carmelita, a posh vegetarian restaurant, and then to see Bridge Jones: Edge of REason. By we, I mean myself and my well-dressed, energetic, highly competent coworker, Kate. (Obviously, cuz if you know MSH, you know homey don't play that.)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to see Bridget tomorrow! I'm so excited! Hope you're feeling better!

kc (as I like to post anonymously!)

1:41 PM, November 12, 2004


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