
(Days 56 & 57) Day 58: my spine feels fantastic! Day 59: stiff morning

Day 56 & Day 57: I thought I strained my neck in Triangle-- on day 57 (ow! you reach with your hand/arm, not your neck, dummy!) Had to rest out two poses on day 56, one on day 57. My friend came to both classes and she is kicking booty!

What I want to talk about is Day 58. The class was taught by Jen, a teacher I'd never had before--found out afterward she's new to my studio. Guess what? SHE KICKS ASS!!! My first thought was that she's very cool and mellow. I liked that she would come to the front of the class and demonstrate for us, to illustrate a point about pose. And I was so so excited in the 2nd set of Rabbit, she gave us the option of doing Plow instead! Plow is one of my favorite poses--one I've always done for fun because it feels good, especially as a child, without even knowing it's a "yoga pose." It's also a spine extension, but less tension in the neck. Most importantly, she has a strongly encouraging yet gentle spirit that had me going deeper into poses than I ever had before (I got one hand up off the floor in Toe Stand! First time!) but not straining to do so, and discovering more ENERGY at every turn. I was in this great place where there was a lightness and curiosity to my practice without a TRY TRY TRY feeling in the mind that can really get in the way of practicing more deeply. On the calendar on the wall of the lobby after class, I wrote, in addition to bragging about my fantastic spine, in small letters: energy! and hooray! Because I just felt so damned joyful after class.

This morning at 8 AM, the lovely Audrey was my teacher. I was feeling darned stiff, but had a great class. I can't say enough about Floor Bow...and I felt great afterward, not so stiff, of course.

I can't believe I'm almost there--my 60th day tomorrow! Every day for 8.5 weeks. I confess that in the past few days I have been really looking forward to taking a day off from yoga on Monday! But the class from Jen yesterday was definitely a morale booster. Only one more to go... I should have kept some more stats during the 60 days. Like how much water I drank, how many bottles of Vitamin Water (which I had this morning--after a bit of food--taking ladylike sips--and no ill effects!,) how many hours I slept or... how many loads of laundry I've done! People have asked me how much weight I've lost, and I don't know. Considering how much musclier I am now, I've probably lost no weight, just mass! The most important difference is how I feel--my body is virtually pain-free, and I lift things and use my body the HEALTHY way now, without even giving it conscious thought--body awareness. (A woman complimented my lift at the carry-on retrieval cart after we landed in Medford.) And I've come a long way with my mind, too. I know now that it is my mind that creates limits for myself--my body is doing things I thought it never would! and I can usually talk my mind through it when it says "Can't! Tired! I don't WANNA!" I'm also glad I haven't had to rest out poses the last two classes, I was feeling negative about that. I think it's a product of better hydration more than anything! Water water always more water!

I just got two pairs of shorts I ordered from Anahata Clothes. I had bought a pair of the Ashtanga shorts at Shakti in Ballard and really like them (SO comfy,) so I went online to order more. They're made in the USA, shipped very fast, and at $26 and $32, they're cheaper than Prana! I am not sure about the visual aspect of the "crossover waistband"--I don't wear cropped yoga tops so often it's like a wee triangle of tummy skin pointing toward my hoo hoo dilly, but I admit that's probably me being neurotic. From a pure practice standpoint, it feels great to not have material cinching right across my belly. The Relaxed Short is made of the same very soft moisture-wicking fabric, just has an inch longer inseam, and a straight waistband. It's a nice wide waistband, so I don't think there will be an uncomfortable cinching sensation. (I got one pair of each.) I have a pair of spandex shorts I got on clearance at Target, and they just bug me. They have a zippered key pocket in back, since they were made for running, and the zipper pull sometimes pokes into my lower back when I lie down. The first time it happened I thought I'd pulled a muscle or something! And the waistband digs in. The thing about going to training is--I can't afford to replace all my not-so-ideal pieces of yoga clothing and I don't have the luxury of leaving them at home--I'm going to have to use each and every shred of Lycra currently in my possession to get through eleven classes a week! I'll probably be making myself a sports-bra out of Ace bandages by week 3!


Blogger Lisa said...

Hi!! I haven't written to you for awhile because I've been swamped, but I HAVE been reading!! I am so thrilled that you are almost there! You did it! WOW, so impressive. I hope you are really proud of yourself!!!! I also hope that you continue to blog after you meet day 60. I'd love to hear about the teacher training process, etc. Great to see you meeting your goals and inspiring the rest of us in the process!

10:22 AM, May 31, 2006


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