
More Shameless Product Placement

Although is it shameless since I have not been compensated for my reviews?

Just thought after my preggo wardrobe rant, I should include another RAVE:

These underwear. They are SOOOO comfortable, they even transcend that usual "OK now I have underwear on" sensation when you put them on. I feel *comforted* when I put them on. Of course, they're the Cadillac so I bought one package (2 pairs) and now I'm hooked; they are so much more comfortable than anything else, including the maternity underwear I got at Motherhood Maternity. I get bigger and bigger and more pairs of my regular underwear get uncomfortable! I just went back this morning for another package--they are $23/2 pr at my local maternity shop. But WORTH IT!!

On an unrelated note, I aspire to use reusable shopping bags, but find they are always in my house or my car and not my hot little hand when I make a purchase. The solution? A zip-up version I got at the natural drugstore the other day. It folds/zips up to about 5x7 and flat and easily fits in my handbag. And when I've deposited my items at home, I zip it back up and put it back in my handbag, which is at that point inside my house. It's a fool-proof system for forgetful me.

If you want to see this bag, go here--it's all framey so dumb me needs to give you instructions:
"Products" "View Products" then click "Next" to view "Zip-Up" Green Bag.


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