
another friday, another o.c. rundown

Kudos to the O.C. people for getting me to like Lindsay a bit. She doesn't enunciate very well, though, sometimes i can't understand her--vocal coach? sound editors? Get on that, will ya? At least they haven't done any more heinous things with her hair. But WHAT was with that sweater that showed her entire BRA?! OK, maybe it wasn't a bra, maybe it was a camisole; I forgot to look during the rubbin' an' shovin' scene. But either way, it looked a g.d. lot like a bra. And when I was in h.s. we in the advanced science classes didn't show that much of our chests, let alone our purple and black bras. I'm just sayin'.

Ryan's eye-open exuberant facial expression at Lindsay's locker--"Oooh, we'll STUDY..." He so rarely comes out of the booth, that was a big threeeelll.

Finally they show kids doing HOMEWORK for a change.

A bit heavy-handed with the whole Summer-is-a-ditz and her boyfriend's family is the freaking United Nations thing. Especially because she hasn't SEEMED like that much of a shallow ditz heretofore.

I know you're thinking Sandy Cohen didn't really sing those two songs at the end but AHA!! He did. Who can forget Peter Gallagher's cameo as silken-voiced singer Vic Tenetta at the Hudsucker company party in "The Hudsucker Proxy?" The man has pipes, people.

So another episode wraps up, we're all one big happy family. And then they promo the next week and all is STINKIN' DANGER AND CHAOS. So I was all warm and fuzzy and happy...and now I'm tense and anxious. Thanks, guys. I'm DONE watching the scenes from next week's episode!


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