
everybody's workin' for the weekend...

...and gnashing their teeth at the tardiness of this week's O.C. redux! Sorry folks, had to work today, early and often. (Yes, I am normally at work when composing these humble lines, but today I had to actually DO WORK--you see the distinction.)

Well, first let me assure you that no one drowned on this week's episode. A load off my mind. Once the episode began, I realized the show just isn't dark enough for death (at least not at this point).

I just hope I'm not as obnoxious when drunk as Lindsay is. Cuz damn. "My numb is tongue"? If I'm that drunk, I've lost all capacity to utter words.

As usual, I enjoyed Seth's witty banter and especially his comic book references, even though I personally rarely read them--I'm sure the writers dumb it down, comic book-wise, for dilettantes such as myself. (However, it's getting a little old that he always wants to ill-advisedly GO TALK TO THE GIRL. Make like George on "Seinfeld" and do the opposite of what you want to do for a while.)

Ryan needs his bangs cut. There, I said it. And, on a more season-encompassing note, did the O.C. hair guru misplace the blonde highlighting goo between seasons? Or are we supposed to believe Ryan had more leisure time on the mean streets of Chino to dye his hair blonde and now in the high-class hustle and bustle of Newport Beach, has little time for such grooming trifles? (In general, though, O.C. Hair Guru, nothing but love for you. See my previous paean to Summer's updo at the SnO.C. dance.)

Btw, is there a reason the characters refer to it as "Newport" instead of Newport Beach? It is supposed to be Newport Beach, right? Has the town copyrighted the phrase or something? Or is it just the hip sobriquet, such as we native-borns calling it "da Beav" (for Beaverton, you pervs.)

I took macabre pleasure in the tsunami relief public service announcement during the show, starring Peter Gallagher and Benjamin McKenzie. It was unpleasant and almost hilarious at the same time. (and not just because of Benji's infuriating bangs!!)

The crucial scenes between Ryan and Marissa were meaty--pretty good writing. But I found myself objectively critiquing their acting during the scenes, instead of being emotionally involved with the characters-- maybe this automatically means the acting was off? I still think Marissa (aka Mischa Barton) needs more acting classes. Or possibly just a clue? (Yes, you're gorgeous, baby, but it takes more than rolling your eyes and pouting your lips hither and yon.) She's OK, she's just at a lower candle-power than Ryan, and he is agian low compared to the mesmeric and golden-tongued Seth (Adam Brody, we love you.)

I'm not sure I'm buying Alex as the predatory lesbian, either. What up?!

Again what up: the girls are having lunch, Summer and the superthin Marissa eating cheeseburger, and Lindsay shamefacedly eating a Zone (diet) meal? Guess what? Lindsay (aka Shannon Lucio) doesn't need to diet!! She looks healthy and well-proportioned--are they foreshadowing a plot line here?

Kudos to the writers for continuing to sketch in Zach as a believable character. And while I'm at it, for naming him Zach, because I knew two Zachs in high school, so that's a heartwarmer for me personally.

Now, I was eagerly awaiting the hour FOLLOWING "the O.C." this week because they've replaced the repellent, unwatchable North Shore with "Point Pleasant." I had not seen the premiere of Point Pleasant, but as it had that Satan-in-the-mix end of days theme, small town goes bad, and an exec producer from Buffy, I figured I could watch it. Well, I watched half of it and turned it off. It sucked. It just didn't grab me. And people, I've been known to stay up until 3 AM watching bad 80's movies--IT DOESN'T TAKE A LOT TO HOLD MY ATTENTION!! Several of the actors were just wooden, including the young woman's who's supposed to be starting to follow the ways of her papa Beelzebub--that seems like juicy enough motivation for anyone!* And finally, the death knell: all the women had subpar hair. I'm watching TV. If I wanted to see bad hair, I'd look in the mirror!! I expect the best. Which leads me to the next point: After an episode of "the O.C.," it's very likely that any other show is going to look bad--the writing, the wardrobe, the hair, the acting, that chemistry between the characters. It's a hard act to follow, literally.

*Ooh, just for a moment, imagine O.C. denizen Julie Cooper being possessed by Satan--delicious--but I hope, unlikely, since I prefer "reality-based" television.


Blogger Felicity said...

Hmm...Melinda Clarke possessed by Satan. I have seen:

-Melinda Clarke as praying mantis demon/substitute teacher
-Melinda Clarke as madam with heart of gold
-Melinda Clarke as miscellaneous Mars Colony Rebel
-Melinda Clarke as rebellious Amazon who becomes a goddess and runs about blowing things up with lightning

I think mere possession might pall beside one or two of those. :D

P.S. Glad to hear no one drowned. In brief exposure to OC, Lindsay was one of few people really liked.

P.S.2. You are SO right about Ryan's hair. Even from brief exposure.

P.S.3. O.C. Ryan, not you, wonko.

2:33 AM, January 22, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The whole lesbo thing at the end was soooo silly. Putting a blanket on Marissa's lap does not a lesbian make!

Also -- did you catch the free advertising (well, doubtful free) for Netflix. They barely stuck it in there, but I figure they make the bank for every name brand they can drop!


10:07 AM, January 25, 2005


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