
Yoga: A Good Thing

Went back to yoga lastnight, after like two months. Boy, did I need it. Boy, did it feel good. I felt like a new woman when I woke up this morning. And due to my purchase of a six-month pass, this is only the beginning of radiant health! If you have the means, I highly recommend checking out yoga. Especially Bikram's (hot) yoga. It does a body good. I swear if you'd measured the distance from the middle of my neck (vertebra) to the edge of my shoulder, I have a good half-inch on each side MORE than I did yesterday before I went to yoga. I am LOOSE.

Not long before I woke up this morning, I had a dream I was in a field in southern France with MSH and my French cousins Fabien and Gregory. (NOTE: I do in real life have French cousins, whom I've met, and those really are their names.) Something disturbing happened in the dream, I can't remember what, and I started pacing around the field, yelling "I don't like this dream anymore! Wake up! I want to wake up now!" (I was wearing jeans and my khaki-colored jean jacket.) This didn't work. So then I yelled "I'm changing the dream channel then! Different dream!" and then I had a remote control, so I pointed it across the field (my companions had disappeared, just me and the field and some trees and the river and the horizon) and hit a button, trying to get a screen with different dream options to appear. (Kind of like OnDemand from ComcastTM!) This didn't work, either. So, I thought, well, I might as well try flying, since I can't wake up. So I flapped my arms, and up I went, and WHEEEEEEEE!!! Across river and fields and banking around big stands of deciduous trees--it was exhilarating. It was very vivid--the cool wind moving past my face, the top part of my jacket unbuttoned and flapping back against me, the trees silhouetted black against sunset sky. I dipped and rose and soared all the way to Paris, where night fell, and I lost my flying ability. Then the dream took a turn for the mundane--I was staying in an ex-boyfriend's flat with him and his very jealous red-headed girlfriend. (They met me on the bridge, which was not an actual bridge in Paris.)

The vivid flying part has stuck with me, I think it's part of the reason I'm in such fine fettle this morning.


Blogger Felicity said...


You know, I think in all my lucid dreaming experiments, all of which involve flying, I have never used that expedient. I have often attempted a more superhero model, with mixed success. Arm flapping...hmm...you might be on to something there!

2:37 AM, January 22, 2005


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