

Hello, my little chillens. I am back on the West Coast, which, you will note, rhymes with Best Coast. Low humidity. I'm just sayin'.

I am back at the office, too, working on an hourly basis. My boss is very, very cool, yo. He lets me take a 5-week hiatus. He lets me come back to work hourly and take time off as needed to teach yoga (or...whatev.) And work is a ten-minute walk from my beloved yoga studio, where I just taught my first of three Bikram classes between now and Aug. 15. Truly, I am blessed! Now frankly I'd like to be working at the office a little less and whipping up business cards and marketing myself to various yoga-friendly establishments a little MORE. But as the blues man says, I need some money.

So, this morning I taught my first yoga class since I've been back. I walked down to the studio and was a skoch late since I started talking to a guy who was out on the sidewalk practicing his golf swing. He's just visiting but I gave him information about the studio. His golf club back in Texas has Yoga for Golfers classes-ding ding ding!

The first challenge was getting the studio open. Since it's a small studio they don't keep it open all day, and I arrive a half-hour before to open it up and start up the heat. They just changed the code on the key safe so I spent ten minutes trying to get that open. Turns out I'd heard Camille wrong when she said the code. It was a V not a B! That was really the hardest part.

I taught the Bikram sequence, but the studio owner told me to teach the poses as I see fit, from the heart. Which is good. I felt very confident going into it. It was a small class--4 people--no beginners and all had been coming for at least two months. They were awesome! And even reminded me when I started to skip Standing Separate Leg Forehead to Knee. I, however, felt weak in the voice, and just couldn't find my words! Lots and lots for me to work on. I wasn't really NERVOUS except when I stumbled. Annoyingly, what came out of my mouth was often what I'd heard Camille say in her class yesterday, which is not what I authentically want to say. I'm going to study by saying the cues out loud, and I might even record myself and make myself a CD to listen to in the car, so I can really internalize the Barkan cues. They're there, they're just hiding in my brain, short-wired by the pressure of being up in front of the class. I couldn't help playing a little bit, and did a variation on Tuladandasana (Balancing Staff Pose,) second set. I also paced back and forth a LOT and never stood to the side or in front of the class. Sigh.

No feedback from the two women students, I got a smile and a "thank you, that was a good class" from the two men.

The second hardest part was walking home and thinking of all the things I COULD have said, how I'd like to plan and direct the energy of the class better with my voice. It's all uphill from here! Overall, I'm not being too self-critical. I know my training will continue to come out, and my students are great teachers. (When I was taking too much time getting them into the pose, it was pretty obvious, for example.)

I had a comment recently asking why I went all the way to Florida to train to be a yoga teacher. Good question! There are, of course, wonderful training programs here in Seattle, and other places closer to me. But I love hot yoga, it's what I love to practice, it healed my spine, it's what I have personally experienced and so that's what I wanted to teach initially. There are NOT a lot of hot yoga teacher training programs--the main one, of course, being Bikram's 9-week program in LA. I decided that wasn't a good choice for me. (I can go into why if anyone's interested.) I looked into one other, in Portland, CorePower, but their schedule is really oriented to those who live in Portland, and I just got a good feeling from the Barkan Method website and a previous graduate of the program. And, as you can hopefully see from previous posts, it was an incredible program! Definitely the right place for me. Oh, I miss it--I miss LEARNING and I miss practicing twice a day. (Don't miss South Fla, obv.)

Down the road, I plan to get more training, in Barkan Method Level II, which is Vinyasa, and possibly prenatal yoga. And I'll see where it goes from there. I hope I'll have lots more entries in the coming weeks as I find places to teach. I work every day on cultivating a positive intention for teaching yoga, and let that be my starting point.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

how did the rest of the training go? or is that material just in your mailing list emails?

2:53 PM, July 27, 2006


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