
OMG *or* Studio Drama *or* the Double that Wasn't

I have decided not to feel guilty about going to bed at 11:00. I did it last night, I woke up just after 6:00 AM, got up and went to yoga class and didn't feel tired all day. I just need less sleep in the summer so I am going to stay up until 11:00 and like it. So there.

So the class this morning was a one-hour Power Vinyasa class. Krista taught. I hadn't taken Power Vinyasa since before the 60 days. I LOVED it. It was SO MUCH FUN not to know what's coming next, and I was really feeling my breath well. I felt great afterward, too! I think Krista was impressed that I showed--she raised her eyebrows. She is leaving tomorrow to head up to where she'll get married this weekend! (Rememember this--it's important later in the post.)

So I go about my day, I'm feelin' spiffy, have a pretty good day at work, although not too productive since I went out to Araya vegan Thai buffet with my work peeps and then had an AFLAC informational meeting. Don't ask. I go home, I do laundry, I get stuff done, start on some dharma stuff, then dash to the yoga studio, arriving at just about 6:29.

I walk in and no one's behind the desk, which is odd. But I get my stuff and walk into the room and everyone's sort of shifty, looking at each other. So I make eye contact with a woman and ask "Who's teaching?" She says: "I don't know! No one's here." So I go back outside the room. No one's there. So. I taught!

It was the best because I got to teach but I did NOT have the opportunity to stress out about it first! I just jumped right in. I did the first set of Pranayama deep breathing before asking if anyone was taking Bikram for the first time. Guess what? FOUR beginners. (One I didn't realize she was a beginner until the end of class--guess I was out to lunch when I asked for a show of hands!) So: I thought I sucked. But I had a blast! And afterward people did say positive things. I even kept on time, much better than the first time I taught. I still have SO MUCH to learn, but I am on such a high right now. When you are doing something you love, IT IS ON LIKE DONKEY KONG!!

Afterward, no one had paid, so I took money, ran credit cards, FORGOT to have the newbies fill out waivers, but oh well. I didn't call Krista, because I pretty much had it handled and why stress her out right before the wedding? Maybe I'll call Camille.

So: maybe I'll try doing a double tomorrow!


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