
Less crap.

So, I still haven't been to class, but I will be going at 4:30 this afternoon. Probably even if there's a flood or some other type of natural disaster. I am quite determined and jonesin' for my yoga fix.

In other news, a kind person from the Barkan program emailed me back first thing this morning. Excerpts include:

"Do not be concerned!"


"Please rest assured, Jimmy doesn't require the participants to be in top athletic
shape. A good, solid practice is necessary though for an understanding of asana that
would allow you to teach it."

(I think I'm there.)

ANd also:

"The retreat, IMHO, comes in ata good time! It'll ground you and relax you and put a
little space in places, a great primer for a month of intense yoga! If you find the
time in the morning during the retreat, do some sun salutations or one set each
standing postures?"

V. good suggestion, since on my own I just would have mechanically tried to get through the entire series in the short time slots allotted me, and stressed out when I didn't. Stressed out as much as is possible when you're in a beautiful forest meditating six hours a day. (I'm confident I'd find a way.)

Also, a few hours after I posted, I just decided I'm going to kick ass. So there. (oh did I mention I was up late? Between MSH out of town and my anxiety, I just can't seem to get to bed before midnight. This would be cool, except I REALLY don't do well on short sleep. I feel terrible and probably shouldn't be driving. People around me are required to use small words and when I get hungry, instead of my usual cues, my brain just comes to a grinding halt and I sit there with my mouth hanging open, with a vague questioning "why" thought hovering on the edge of my blank consciousness.)

I am going to do doubles tomorrow and Thursday. That will be hard.

Number of items packed for retreat: 0

Number of items packed for Florida: 0

But I did look up location of Whole Foods (3 miles from hotel), Internet cafe (0.7 miles from hotel) and location of dharma center (10 miles from hotel) as well as bus routes to said dharma center. I will ascertain sketch factor of said bus system prior to boarding, of course.


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