

I used to drink Organic Valley Milk. Then one day my friend brought me delicious Wilcox Bros. MIlk, of the "fresh local pasteurization." It tasted so much...milkier. Then Wilcox went, if you'll excuse the pun, teats up.

Last week I went to my beloved local PCC Natural Market to find they were giving out little samples of fresh strawberry shortcake. I digress to note that this is the BEST GROCERY STORE SAMPLE EVER. The whipped cream was made from Golden Glen Creamery heavy cream. I'd never heard about this outfit, but apparently all their products are contained in heavy glass bottles because they think the milk is healthier and better tasting this way.

I thought no one sold milk in bottles anymore. I have fond memories of Senn's Drive-In Dairy (our location located in Beaverdam Palace, Oregon) where we got delicious milk in glass bottles.

So anyway, today I purchased Golden Glen Creamery 2% milk in a gallon bottle. It is "creamtop" milk, as it says on the cap, and let me tell you: they are not kidding. I had to scoop out the cream in order to pour the milk. Then I didn't know what to do with the tablespoon or so of cream I'd scooped. I threw it away. If you have any other ideas, let me know. Then you have to shake up the milk to sort of reconstitute the cream. I was getting unsure about the whole endeavor. This was more work than I normally go through to get a glass of milk and the bits of cream were sort of hinking me out.

Then I tasted it...it is the milkiest milk this suburb/city girl had ever tasted. If you like milky milk, this is the milk for you! It is from Bow, Washington so I'm betting you can probably only get it in the Seattle area. It's available in two percent, non-fat, or whole. (Whole milk is usually 3.25 percent fat.)

Sorry it's not relevant to yoga or my son, but that's what happened today, so that's what you get! Milk!