
i heart voicemail

Lastnight I went to a party at a bar--a going-away party for my former boss, Cathy. (This was planned into the retreat, people, I needed a break! And I realized I'd REALLY been looking forward to it, especially since it's been kind of a tough week at work.) It was so much fun and I was hanging out with lotsa peeps I hadn't seen in so long, so I stayed and missed "the O.C." How could you? you ask? Well, because I have a friend who (because of another regular engagement) tapes it each week. (So the redux will be coming this weekend.) Plus, the beer was free. Who am I to turn down free brews? I cut myself off at the proper time, though. Had lots of laughs and did the airplane on the barstool, but I got to bed at a reasonable hour, so I'm bright and chipper this morning!

MSH called from a payphone in Puerto Vallarta lastnight. I missed the call because I was in the bar and didn't hear my phone, but I was so excited to hear his voice on my voicemail! When I saw the message on there when I left the bar I *knew* it was him. Even though it very well could have been his mom calling to let me know that his cousin had her baby, which she did and she did but the message was on our home phone. And it was almost better because I could listen to the voicemail message over and over again. Which I did. And I could even listen to it right now this morning if I wanted. Now, he is having a very good time, but I was very tickled because he revealed the following (hope I am not outing him as a big softie, but if you know him, you probably know he is anyway):

he misses me
he wants to come home now
it's "not the same" without me there


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a "keeper" :-)


10:29 AM, January 28, 2005


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