The Marmot Comes Clean
(This just in: It has turned into a beautiful 50-degree day! If you think that's an oxymoron...I guess you haven't lived here very long. Sun shining? Check! Sky blue? Check! That does it for me.)
I am a big snob when it comes to vocabulary, spelling, and grammar. I get incensed at inappropriate apostrophes (ie, "Try Our Delicious Burger's!",) the oft-forgotten p in raspberry, and my real pet peeve is when people say less instead of fewer. ("There were less people in here today than yesterday.") There are, of course, many more. I'm currently reading this book and I've enjoyed it so far. So thought it would be a good exercise in humility for me to reveal to you the habitual errors I make when writing.
The worst I only recently discovered. Microsoft Word has probably been trying to alert me to this for years and I just never noticed--I type lastnight instead of last night. All the time. I just noticed this about three months ago and I've been trying to break myself of it, but I fear it's a losing battle. In my addled brain, it's one word, like yesterday.
The word cocoon--I really want to put another c in it!
And, on occasion I have written your when I meant you're and vice versa, but I usually catch myself!
There are probably many more--I'll post as I notice them.