
Down With Hummer?




tulip, originally uploaded by NiceMarmot.

My friend Alabam brought these beautiful tulips one Sunday.

Breaking News: Yoga Good For Health, Makes You Feel Good

I just realized my underwear match my shirt. It’s a secret joy that I share with no one. Except you, dear reader.

My Bikram yoga practice has become more serious lately, as I focus (like a sophisticated light beam known as a “laser”) on becoming a yoga teacher. Last week I went seven days in a row. It felt GREAT! It was hard to take days off the following Sunday and Tuesday (this week.) The more serious I’ve gotten about yoga, the more careful I’ve been about what I eat, especially the days I practice. Any blast of refined sugar (like a cookie or a donut) will mean I have a tired, lackluster practice that day. Though the series seems to burn up lots of calories, it also seems to dial down my resting metabolism—yesterday was my second day in a row without practicing, (I’m going back tonight!) and I was very, very hungry by evening. (My hypothesis is that I am hungrier on the days I don’t practice.) I picked my in-laws up at the airport, returned from LA, and went out to Chinese food. I ordered one of my favorites: Crispy Eggplant in Tangy Glaze. The glaze is doubtless high-calorie and high-fat, but the real indulgence is the thick layer of deep-fried breading, equal in thickness to the slice of eggplant it surrounds. Basically, the actual eggplant is just a pretext! I ate about half of it and I felt TERRIBLE. I had awful indigestion and I was SO tired, I dragged my hiney to bed at 9:00 after making up the guest bed and folding the bare minimum of laundry so that one could sit on the downstairs couch. I wasn’t actually ill—this morning I’m fit as a fiddle. I guess I have been focusing on eating lots of fresh fruits, dairy, complex carbs—healthy food—and my body has gotten used to it. So. No more deep-fried sugar-laden crap for this “yogi!” Or better yet, as my friend’s fridge magnet has it: [click here.]

On Tuesday, I went running for the first time in at least a week. I’ve noticed before that if I’ve been practicing yoga regularly, I still have a good run even if I haven’t been running in a while. Tuesday was no exception—my muscles were loose, I ran pretty fast, and I just felt this intense bubbly sense of joy in running. (More so than usual!)

Next month I’ll do thirty days in a row; I can’t wait. Won’t have much time for running, though!


A Day In the Life of an Office Manager Marmot

This list is representatively accurate, but not comprehensive.

Reconciled checking account
Ate breakfast
Issued invoices
Answered phone
Met with payroll company rep to go over first payroll
Met with Pres and VP re: offer letter
Ate lunch at desk
Revised offer letter
Went up to sales department to get welcome email template; heard Philadelphia meat story for second time in two days
Walked to bakery for a cookie
Ate cookie, had severe gas, regretted cookie
Sent welcome emails to new users
Carried pop upstairs
Sent office-wide email regarding book-swap shelf
Created chart of accounts for new payroll service
Turned off water to overflowing toilet
Called property manager re: toilet
Plunged toilet
Faxed chart of accounts to payroll service

sorry so few posts lately

I've been working up to this photoblogging. (See below.) Now that I know how to do it, you will see photos much more frequently--I have more to say GRAPHICALLY than VERBALLY these days. So. Brace yourself.

UPDATED TO ADD: All this wizardry would not have been possible without the patient, painstaking, and personal assistance of my sister via cellular telephone as I sat in front of my new and relatively unexplored iMac.

P.S. Photo of said iMac upcoming. I'm very excited about it even though I know next to nothing about how to use it...

peanut butter/toast

peanut butter/toast, originally uploaded by NiceMarmot.

This is why people never put peanut butter in the fridge, even though it says on the side of the jar that you ought to. (It becomes unspreadable!)


Last night MSH said “Brrr!” as he got under the covers. Then a bit later:

ME: I’m cold.
MSH: [sarcasm/disdain] Of course you are. It’s Thursday.*
ME: I thought you were cold, too! You said ‘brrr.’
MSH: I meant ‘ow.’

I thought that was hysterical and giggled for a bit.

So I have Airborne with me at work today because my throat felt a bit sore this morning. It says “At the first sign of a cold symptom, simply drop (1) Airborne Tablet in a small amount of plain water, let dissolve (about 1 minute) and drink.” What’s plain water? I’ve just never heard water described that way. Do they mean tap water? Non-fizzy water? Water that’s unobtrusive, not flashy or primped-up?

A while ago my boss asked me to buy him four little plants. I bought him four asparagus ferns. They don’t look like asparagus to me, but maybe they’re related somehow. Owen Wilson and Luke Wilson don’t look much alike either. Anyway, he’s performing an experiment—-one plant gets “plain water,” one gets Coke, one gets Diet Coke, and one gets V8. Which one will live the longest? So far it’s been two weeks and they all look reasonably healthy, but the Coke one is the most verdant, and V8 and Coke are both growing mold. He’s hoping Diet Coke wins. I’ll try to post a photo soon.

*It was Wednesday.


Here is a quiz I took

You scored as Linguistics. You should be a Linguistics major!





























What is your Perfect Major? (PLEASE RATE ME!!<3)
created with QuizFarm.com