

The ice was thick on my car today; I was late down to the lake because of it. As I drove around the south bend of the lake, I hit some fog just as the DJ pronounced the words "patchy fog." Fortunately my running buddy also had to wrangle some ice and was similarly behind schedule, and we headed off. When it's dark and foggy, it's damn dark, I say. To our left, fog covered the edge of the lake and made everything to the left of the path just a faceless, lightless void. By the time we were around the loop, though, the sun was rising and the lake looked like glass. A good morning.

Shout out to my sister, who sent ME flowers even though it was SHE who has hit a double, with her new job and new apartment in the same week!! Love ya, sis. They are beautiful flowers and brighten my workday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder what my username and password for all this marmotage might be...

At any rate, thankee thankee, and I've been plotting the flower/blogget one-two punch every single time you've been a fantastic fabulous friend these months of turmoil, which is often. So I was glad to finally have the means to make my schemes come true!

2:06 PM, February 15, 2005


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