7:33 AM
Wake up. Clash on radio. Kickin'. Jump out of bed and swing arms around. Start taking piles of laundry down hall, throw down stairs. "Vertigo" by U2 on radio. Heavy rain outside. Tell MSH this is because JUSTICE IS RAINING DOWN. MSH dourly informs me that this will keep people away from the polls. I tell him his negativity bounces off of me today, and make rickashay noises.
7:40 AM
Turn off radio when DJ starts blah blah. Crawl over gigantic laundry pile in stairwell; start a load of towels.
7:42 AM
MSH making eggs...
7:45 AM
Explain to MSH why using liquid olive oil will reduce egg stickage to Calphalon One pan. Strip sheets off bed, throw downstairs.
7:47 AM
Shower, try to coerce MSH into revealing who he voted for absentee. MSH dodges question, goes to work. Take pills, spray shower, moisturize and perfume.
Exit shower, put on clothes. Go downstairs to don blue "Alaska is for Players" T-shirt. Briefly consider carrying load of clean laundry upstairs.
Blow-dry hair (incompletely).
8:07 AM
Eat cold eggs out of pan. Yick. Put orange in coat pocket. Briefly consider voting at lunch to save time, but would like to face coworkers having already had my say.
8:09 AM
Panic--has MSH taken out trash?! He has. Add bag of trash to the can. Actually squat black plastic box.
8:11 AM
Walk out of house. Man in blue raincoat with carbon copy papers in gallon Ziploc bag on sidewalk. View suspiciously. Get in car and lock doors. Man seems disoriented, looking at my house, house next door. Hails me. I roll down window. "Does Mike live here?" I give up the goods--the man is making sure Mike voted. "Have you voted?" he asks. "I'm on my way!" I report, and off I go.
8:16 AM
Park at Eckstein Middle School (polling place for 46th precinct). Walk in. Orchestra practicing. Ouch, but still v. cute. Enter school auditorium, no line, but booths are full up. Obtain ballot, stand at piano to vote. So I know hanging chads are bad, but filling in those ovals wank ass!!
8:37 AM
Exit school, head to work. Call office on cell phone to report the obvious: I am late. "But the good news," I tell Kate, " is that I was voting!" "You were SMOKING?!" "No, I was voting!! I voted!!" "Oh!" she says, "Hooray! Thank you thank you thank you!" Kate has a lot of energy and enthusiasm. I keep an eye out, but there is no election hoopla on 35th Ave. NE. Too bad I don't commute under those pedestrian bridges on 99--there there would be some peeps to either flash the victory sign and honk at, or flip the F-bird at. (I know! I know I shouldn't! I'm NAUGHTY!!)
8:44 AM
Arrive work. Hang up coat. Complain about filly-in ovals. Check email. Commence blogging.
Dear Reader: Make sure and vote. Work it. Get down with your bad voting self. Get up!
P.S. Haven't started my novel (for NaNoWriMo.) But I shall!!